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Labor Policies

The Australian Labor Party Tasmanian Branch State Platform is a constantly evolving statement of principles and policies, underpinned by enduring

Labor values.

Tasmanian Labor Platform is made up of six chapters;

Growing Tasmania’s Economy

Maximising Tasmania’s Resources

Caring for Tasmanians

Educating for Tasmania’s Future

Strong Responsible Government

Valuing our Natural and Cultural Resources

Valuing our Natural and Culturan Resources Platform 2019








1. Tasmanian Labor believes that tourism is a highly valuable industry that significantly contributes to the economic and social wellbeing of the State.

2. Tasmanian Labor believes in a strategic, collaborative approach between private and public sectors to maximise the benefits that tourism has for Tasmania.

3. Tasmanian Labor believes that as an island, affordable air and sea access to Tasmania is a critical element for the future growth and sustainability of the State’s tourism industry.

4. Tasmanian Labor recognises the opportunities for the state’s tourism and hospitality sectors provided by the many thousands of visitors from Asia that travel to the state each year.

5. Tasmanian Labor will work in close partnership with the tourism industry to ensure that Tasmania is promoted interstate and overseas as a holiday destination.

6. Tasmanian Labor will work closely with the airlines and TT Line to stimulate travel and encourage improved services and capacity for people to visit Tasmania.

7. Tasmanian Labor will support carefully assessed, sustainable commercial development opportunities on Mount Wellington. Therefore, Labor will work with the appropriate planning authority to ensure that the Management Plan for Mount Wellington is based on best-practice planning principles which allow for the consideration of a range of commercial opportunities on the mountain.

8. Tasmanian Labor will work in partnership with the tourism industry to review and Implement a joint State Government/Tourism Industry Strategic Plan for future tourism growth in Tasmania. take a whole of government approach to tourism by working with relevant peak and regional bodies to:

  • (a) ensure there is adequate infrastructure to enable our natural and cultural heritage assets to underpin the visitor experience;

  • (b) invest in appropriate technology and other innovations to support the tourism industry;

  • (c) ensure the provision of ongoing training for the industry;

  • (d) ensure broad community and industry involvement in the Tasmania brand concepts; and

  • (e) collect and analyse consumer feedback, and share this knowledge with the local tourism industry.

9. Tasmanian Labor will promote the planning and development of appropriate infrastructure to support the growth of tourism in the state.


Aboriginal Affairs

10. Tasmanian Labor believes that the Tasmanian Aboriginal community has a right to selfdetermination within the broader Tasmanian community, as a people with a distinct cultural heritage.

11. Tasmanian Labor will ensure Tasmania’s Aboriginal People exercise and enjoy the same rights and services to which all Tasmanians are entitled.

12. Tasmanian Labor will strengthen the protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage.

13. Tasmanian Labor will work in partnership with Aboriginal organisations that work for self-determination, self-help and self-reliance.

14. Tasmanian Labor will ensure Tasmania’s Aboriginal People are represented on relevant authorities and consulted in government policy formulation and service delivery, with particular emphasis on improving Aboriginal education and health outcomes.

15. Tasmanian Labor will work to identify and achieve land handbacks to Tasmania’s Aboriginal People of vacant Crown Land that is identified as economically, spiritually, culturally or historically important.

16. Tasmanian Labor will integrate Aboriginal perspectives, traditional cultural practice and expertise into the management and use of natural resources.

17. Tasmanian Labor will support Aboriginal organisations in the management of land and in the development of employment and community projects.

18. Tasmanian Labor will investigate the provision of programs including arts administration and promotion for Aboriginal artists.

19. Tasmanian Labor will consult with Aboriginal organisations over interpretation issues and encourage the provision, where relevant, of alternative interpretations to those designed by non-Aboriginal Tasmanians.

20. Tasmanian Labor will recognise Aboriginal cultural rights.

21. Tasmanian Labor will support the right of Tasmania’s Aboriginal People to manage their land according to their own traditions and customs and to control access to their land.


Aboriginal Heritage

22. Labor acknowledges and pays respect to the traditional and original custodians of the land and commits to working towards Treaty with Tasmania’s Aboriginal people.

23. Tasmanian Labor believes that the cultural heritage of Tasmania’s First Peoples must be preserved and will require the protection and management of Aboriginal heritage on both public and private land.

24. Tasmanian Labor believes that Tasmania’s Aboriginal People are best able to manage, protect and preserve places of significance in their culture and heritage.

25. Tasmanian Labor believes that Tasmanian’s Aboriginal People are entitled to land on which they can practice their own traditions and customs.

26. Tasmanian Labor will ensure that Tasmania’s Aboriginal people are involved in the protection, identification and management of their own heritage.

27. Tasmanian Labor will provide incentives to private landowners to protect and preserve Aboriginal heritage.

28. Tasmanian Labor will work to develop in the Tasmanian community an understanding and appreciation of contemporary Aboriginal culture and heritage.

29. Tasmanian Labor will ensure that Planning Schemes and Environmental Laws protect Aboriginal heritage and that Aboriginal heritage is afforded the same rights of protection as European heritage covered in current Schemes.



30. Tasmanian Labor believes that our vibrant and dynamic arts community is an important part of what makes our island state attractive to live in and visit.

31. Tasmanian Labor believes that government has a role in supporting artists to develop their talent through education as well as through peer-assessed grant programs.

32. Tasmanian Labor recognises that it is through the arts that we tell stories, challenge people’s ideas and take people out of their everyday lives into another space, whether through music, performing arts, film, visual arts, sculpture, design, digital arts or festivals.

33. Tasmanian Labor will ensure artists and artistic organisations across art forms and in regional communities are encouraged and supported by government.


Screen Industry

34. Tasmanian Labor believes in a strong local screen industry.

35. Tasmanian Labor recognises Government support through grant funding is critical to attracting investment in film, television and digital projects.

36. Tasmanian Labor will ensure that there is Government support to attract and assist filmmakers in Tasmania.




Protecting our Environment

37. Labor believes that our natural and cultural heritage must be fostered and our landscapes protected for environmental, social, cultural, economic, educational and scientific purposes, as well as for Tasmania’s future.

38. Labor is committed to working with the community to achieve environmental outcomes that are consistent with an environmentally-responsible reputation.

39. Tasmanian Labor will work to prevent degradation of our environment.


Natural Heritage

40. Tasmanian Labor believes in the protection of Tasmania’s natural beauty and the cultural significance of our natural heritage.

41. Tasmanian Labor recognises that almost all of Tasmania’s National Parks and World Heritage Areas have been established by Labor Governments.

42. Tasmanian Labor believes that environmental protection through environmental and land management services is vital.

43. Labor will continue to be committed to assess all values, including natural, traditional, cultural and heritage and economic, in land management planning.

44. Tasmanian Labor will ensure the development of sustainable production systems and management practices that maintain rehabilitate or improve biodiversity and ecosystems.

45. Tasmanian Labor will maintain the State’s world class system of National Parks and Reserves to protect and conserve natural and cultural values.

46. Tasmanian Labor will support the development and implementation of management plans for all National Parks and Reserves.

47. Tasmanian Labor will engage local communities and user groups in the management of reserves with which they have a particular connection and promote effective stewardship of environmental values on private land.

48. Tasmanian Labor will work cooperatively with landowners to restore or maintain native habitat and wildlife corridors.

49. Tasmanian Labor believes in appropriately compensating landowners prevented from developing or utilising their properties because of government environmental or cultural decisions.

50. Tasmanian Labor supports measures to identify the most seriously degraded areas and prioritise them for immediate remediation and rehabilitation.


Waste Management and Recycling

51. Labor believes that wastage must be minimised and re-use maximised.

52. Tasmanian Labor recognises the environmental need to eliminate the use of materials that cannot be re-used, recycled or biodegraded (in particular the elimination of nonbiodegradable plastic bags) except where there are no viable or practical alternatives.

53. Tasmanian Labor supports a reusable (and recyclable) container deposit scheme, such as that which operates in South Australia.

54. Labor will adopt Government procurement policies that favour the purchase of recyclable, biodegradable and environmentally friendly materials


Hazardous waste

55. Labor believes in limiting the amount of contamination by potentially hazardous chemicals allowed in air, soil and water according to sound biological and epidemiological evidence.

56. Tasmanian Labor recognises the need for clear and appropriate warnings and other advice to be present on any facility or container containing hazardous material.

57. Tasmanian Labor will co-operate with the Commonwealth Government in the development of national procedures to monitor the generation, movement and disposal of hazardous waste.


Dry Land Systems

58. Tasmanian Labor believes in the need to ensure the protection and proper care of Dry Land Systems. 59. Tasmanian Labor recognises the state-wide inventory of wetlands and the qualifying of typical, unique and sensitive wetland habitats and their communities.

60. Tasmanian Labor will cooperate with the Commonwealth Government to implement the provisions of the Ramsar Convention in relation to Ramsar listed wetlands.

61. Labor will provide advice and incentives to private landowners to create, conserve and manage wetlands on their properties.


Marine species and ecosystems

62. Tasmanian Labor believes in the need to protect and maintain marine species and ecosystems.

63. Tasmanian Labor believes that governments play an important role in moderating potential conflict between users of marine ecosystems.

64. Tasmania Labor recognises that Tasmania’s marine ecosystem is both a unique ecological and economic resource. It underpins our island lifestyle and offers valuable recreational benefits to the community.

65. Tasmanian Labor recognises the Tasmanian Marine Protected Areas Strategy.

66. Tasmanian Labor recognises the use of habitat mapping to identify typical, unique and sensitive marine habitats and their communities.

67. Tasmanian Labor recognises the importance of working closely with the Australian Government, scientific research institutions, international partners and community groups for the protection of all marine species and ecosystems.

68. Tasmanian Labor will work closely with the Australian Government to ensure that Tasmania’s fisheries are well managed and not detrimentally impacted by offshore fishing practices.

69. Tasmanian Labor will protect estuarine habitat and support environmentally sustainable aquaculture. 70. Tasmanian Labor will develop an integrated management planning system that reduces conflict between development and conservation in coastal, estuarine and marine areas.



71. Tasmanian Labor believes that water, coastal regions and marine ecosystems are integral to the Australian culture and environment and should be managed in a way that appropriately reflects their value. 72. Tasmanian Labor recognises that coastal areas are particularly fragile to changes in the environment as well as human development.

73. Tasmanian Labor recognises the importance of protecting and conserving these areas through sensible management process including community engagement.

74. Tasmanian Labor will develop a coastal protection and planning framework that combines sustainable development with protection of natural, cultural heritage and social values.

75. Tasmanian Labor will develop regional community involvement in coastline issues through consultation. 76. Tasmanian Labor will maintain public access to the coast.


Threats to Ecosystems

77. Tasmanian Labor recognises that Tasmania has a unique and diverse range of species, habitats and ecosystems and that governments must play an important role in identifying and managing threats to these systems.

78. Tasmanian Labor recognises the importance of fuel reduction burns to reduce the severity of wildfires and their effects on the environment and people.

79. Tasmanian Labor will work with Parks and Wildlife to educate the community on the dangers to both people and the environment of wildfire with a particular aim of reducing the occurrence of deliberately lit fires.

80. Tasmanian Labor will work with fire services, Landcare groups and other community based groups to ensure the survival of fire dependant ecological communities and mitigate the threat of wildfire to the natural environment, public and private property.


Weeds, Pests and Diseases

81. Tasmanian Labor will ensure threats from weeds, pests and diseases are reduced.

82. Tasmanian Labor will promote research on the environmental effects of and practical control measures for feral domestic animals.

83. Tasmanian Labor will ensure that stringent biosecurity is maintained to preserve Tasmania’s relative freedom from pests and diseases.

84. Tasmanian Labor will increase community involvement in both agricultural and environmental weed and pest eradication programs.

85. Tasmanian Labor will provide resources to enable rapid and flexible response to critical threats from exotic pests and diseases.

86. Tasmanian Labor supports ongoing monitoring for the presence of invasive pest species, recognising that many such threats do not make their presence obvious until eradication is impossible.


Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species

87. Tasmanian Labor will ensure that the listing and de-listing of species as 'rare', 'vulnerable' or 'endangered' is based on thorough and objective scientific evidence.

88. Tasmanian Labor will engage community expertise in working with scientists to actively monitor populations of rare, threatened and endangered species.

89. Tasmanian Labor will support the development of community based programs to assist in the management of rare, threatened and endangered species or ecological communities.


Nuclear Hazards

90. Tasmanian Labor believes that the dangers posed by radioactive decay, nuclear fission and fusion necessitate governments and political parties proceeding in a highly conservative manner.

91. Tasmanian Labor believes that while the potential benefits of nuclear energy should be investigated, there must be due consideration of the socio-economic costs, risks and benefits posed by the technology. 92. Tasmanian Labor will require nuclear powered ships entering Tasmanian harbours to prepare an environmental impact statement in line with Labor’s commitment to environment impact assessment legislation.

93. Tasmanian Labor will allow nuclear powered ship visits on the proviso that appropriate compliance officers of the Tasmanian Government are given sufficient information to assess the risk posed to our ports.


Nuclear Waste

94. Tasmanian Labor believes that nuclear waste is an obvious by-product of the nuclear age and should only be stored in Tasmania in sites where it can have no impact on ground, water and air.

95. Tasmanian Labor will fully co-operate with the Commonwealth in the development of national procedures and standards to categorise and monitor the generation, storage, transport, usage and disposal of nuclear materials in both industry and medicine.

96. Tasmanian Labor will ensure that these procedures and standards are regularly reviewed in line with world’s best practices to ensure adequate protection for workers, members of the public and the environment.

97. Tasmanian Labor will ensure there are information and advisory services on potential environmental contaminations, particularly in the workplace.

98. Tasmanian Labor will minimise the importation of hazardous wastes into the State.


Antarctic Division

99. Tasmanian Labor believes that Tasmania has a unique relationship with Antarctica through the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) and Antarctic Gateway. This relationship presents tangible benefits for the state economy.

100. Tasmanian Labor will encourage Federal funding for ongoing shipping support and the maintenance of our research stations and Antarctic science projects in order for Tasmania to maintain its Antarctic presence.

101.Tasmanian Labor will continue to implement the State Government’s Antarctic Sector Development Plan which seeks to maintain and strategically expand on the Tasmanian jobs created by Antarctic-related activities.

102.Tasmanian Labor will continue to support Tasmania as the home of Antarctic expeditions, science and policy-making and will work to protect that relationship.


Climate Change

103.Tasmanian Labor believes that climate change is the greatest environmental threat to human survival and biodiversity on earth.

104.Tasmanian Labor believes that Governments at all levels—local, state and national— have a role in tackling climate change and must take urgent action to do so.

105.Tasmanian Labor will take broad comprehensive scientific and economic advice when consulting and deciding on actions to tackle climate change. 1

06.Tasmanian Labor will set greenhouse gas emissions targets in order to tackle climate change. These targets will be assessed against credible scientific and economic advice.

107.Tasmanian Labor will investigate how best to encourage the installation of photovoltaic power sources within the community.

108.Tasmanian Labor will aim for the Tasmanian Government to eventually become carbon neutral through initiatives such as:

  • (a) accurate reporting of government agencies’ carbon footprints

  • (b) greenhouse friendly procurement policies

  • (c) the establishment of a green vehicle fleet

  • (d) energy efficient government buildings and

  • (e) a carbon offset scheme for government emissions-producing activities such as government air travel.


Pollution Control

109.Tasmanian Labor will work with the Australian and other state governments and relevant international bodies to ensure the development of the highest possible, economically feasible standards of control of emissions of primary and secondary industries, transportation systems and human waste management systems.

110.Tasmanian Labor will implement state of the art emission controls on State Government vehicles and thermal power generation systems.




Dry Land Systems
Aboriginal Affairs
Aboriginal Heritage
Screen Industry
Protecting our Environment
Natural Heritage
Wate Management & Recycling
Hazardous Waste
Marine Species and Ecosystems
Threats to Ecosystems
Weeds, Pests and Diseases
Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species ï‚·
Nuclear Hazards
Nuclear Waste
Antarctic Division
Climate Change
Pollution Control
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