Labor Policies
The Australian Labor Party Tasmanian Branch State Platform is a constantly evolving statement of principles and policies, underpinned by enduring
Labor values.
Tasmanian Labor Platform is made up of six chapters;
Maximising Tasmania’s Resources
Human Rights
1. Labor is committed to the principles of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights and supports its implementation in all matters of public policy.
2. Labor supports the codification of human rights in Tasmanian law.
3. Labor values the rights to parliamentary representation and participation as fundamental tenants of our democracy. Labor is committed to ensuring that voting is accessible, free and fair at all levels of government.
4. Labor recognises the importance of an independent electoral commission and commissioner.
5. Labor will protect the important role of the Tasmanian Electoral Commission (TEC) in ensuring the integrity of the electoral system.
6. Labor will provide the Commission with the appropriate funding needed to meet its responsibilities.
7. Labor recognises the community has a right to be informed about how our electoral system operates. Labor recognises that access to education regarding civics and democracy is vital at all levels of education. 8. Labor believes in open government, including active disclosure of government information, and right to information legislation which provides access to information about government with minimal delay or formality.
9. Labor supports full and real time disclosure of political donations in Tasmania.
10. Labor supports the fair, open and transparent operation of our electoral system which ensures the democratic principle that every person should have the right to full participation in it.
11. Labor will improve the integrity of the electoral system and, most urgently, bring transparency, openness and accountability to the disclosure regime creating transparency and restoring faith in the democratic system.
12. Labor believes in the development of a real time disclosure reporting of donations and contributions.
Justice Policy
13. Labor supports access to justice, and recognises the importance of a well-funded public and community legal sector.
14. Labor recognises the fundamental importance of an independent judiciary and tribunals
15. Labor recognises the importance of a safe, well-resourced prison system which ensures the safety of inmates and prison staff.
16. Labor recognises one of the fundamental roles of the criminal justice system is to rehabilitate and prepare offenders for reintegration into society.
17. Labor recognises the importance of the justice system in preventing family violence.
Industrial Relations
18. Labor respects and values the role of unions in society.
19. Labor recognises that unions are a legitimate and much needed voice for workers which is vital for fully informed government decision making.
20. Labor is committed to restoring worker’s voices in representative and advisory bodies, boards and committees. Labor will engage with unions in the appropriate forums when government policy has implications for workers.
21. Labor understands that a strong trade union movement is critical to addressing the key challenges facing workers, particularly in combatting low wage growth, record levels of wealth inequality and increasing levels of casualisation across the workforce.
22. Labor recognises the right of workers to bargain collectively, to be represented by trade unions and to take industrial action without restriction or fear of reprisal.
23. Labor supports penalty rates.
24. Labor wants workers to retire with dignity. Labor supports a fair superannuation system that delivers for all workers. Labor is committed to delivering previously legislated increases to the Superannuation Guarantee.
25. Labor will consult with unions and the business community to develop a labour hire licencing scheme that protects vulnerable workers from exploitation and regulates the provision of licencing services.
26. Labor believes that workers must have access to timely, cost effective systems and processes that allow workers to recover stolen wages with the assistance of their union.
27. Labor recognises the rights of workers to seek and receive suitable and ongoing compensation for workplace injuries.
28. Labor recognises the role of trade unions in keeping workers safe in their workplaces, and recognise unions need rights to enter workplaces to educate, investigate and resolve issues.
29. Labor supports workplace health and safety laws, and prosecution for employers who willingly, negligently or recklessly endanger workers in the workplace.
30. Labor will legislate to make industrial manslaughter a crime.
31. Labor is committed to the introduction of portable long service leave in the community services, aged care, disability care, contract cleaning and contract security industries within the first year of being elected to Government.
32. Labor recognises the positive social impacts realised from providing relaxation and recreation time for working people and their families.
33. Labor will consult with the unions, workers, and the business community about the appropriateness of existing regional public holidays, and the potential for rationalisation to ensure a more even spread of public holidays throughout the year, whilst ensuring there shall be no fewer than 13 full day public holidays and two part day public holidays for all Tasmanians in each calendar year.
34. Labor will also lead the way in restoring and improving workers’ rights by extending the Easter Tuesday public holiday to all Tasmanian workers and creating new public holidays in Easter Sunday, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.
Local Government
35. Labor will work with Local Government to improve services delivered to communities and improved outcomes for ratepayers.
36. Labor will encourage greater community participation in local council elections through the introduction of compulsory voting, to ensure that councils represent the entire community, including younger people.
37. Tasmanian Labor acknowledges that Local Government is the level of Government closest to the people and is an important provider of services and employment opportunities across Tasmania. Tasmanian Labor supports voluntary amalgamations.
38. Tasmanian Labor remains committed to working in partnership with local government and our regional authorities enabling the two levels of government to build a shared vision and better outcomes across employment, health and wellbeing, community development, infrastructure and education.
39. Labor has a proud history of establishing Local Government Partnerships these agreements have covered such roles as community services provision, environmental responsibilities, the promotion of joint ventures, coordination of effort and information sharing, financial management and service delivery.