Labor Policies
The Australian Labor Party Tasmanian Branch State Platform is a constantly evolving statement of principles and policies, underpinned by enduring
Labor values.
Tasmanian Labor Platform is made up of six chapters;
Maximising Tasmania’s Resources
1. Labor believes that quality education is the right of every child. It should be free and fair, with equal access.
2. Labor believes that quality education is the keystone of a civil, peaceful, supportive and democratic society.
3. Labor believes that quality education is an investment in the productive capacity of the
4. Labor understands that education is a defining part of an individual’s growth and selfdevelopment. It is the way individuals gain knowledge and skills.
5. Labor recognises that the education journey begins at birth and continues for life.
6. Labor believes that public funding of education is an investment in our society’s future and funding should be allocated according to need.
7. Labor understands that quality teaching is important for the effective learning outcomes for students.
8. Labor recognises that teachers and early Childhood educators must have access to quality ongoing professional development opportunities.
9. Labor believes that education and training policy must be evidence-based.
10. Labor recognises a shared responsibility to promote the value and participation in education among students, teachers, parents and the broader community is important for future success.
11. Labor understands that schools must provide high quality infrastructure suited for the diverse future technological learning settings.
12. Labor recognises schools should provide age appropriate playgrounds and be accessible to the community.
13. Labor believes in a strong and effective public TAFE system that is responsive to the needs of Tasmanian industry, employers, students and staff.
14. Labor believes schools should have high expectations of their students which are based on measurable data, as well as, the professional judgement of teachers.
15. Labor understands that education is a lifelong process and access to vocational and academic streams must be available at all stages of life.
Early Childhood Teachers and Educators
16. Labor believes the professionals providing early childhood education and care should be highly qualified and motivated teachers and educators who can meet the learning needs of every child and are remunerated appropriately.
17. Labor will ensure that our early childhood education and care sector is world class and attracts and retains the best early educators.
18. Labor will support the goals, intent and implementation of the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) to raise quality and drive continuous improvement and consistency ECEC services.
19. Labor will support measures to value educators’ work and call on the Federal Government to close the gender pay gap.
20. Labor supports culturally competent professional development for early childhood teachers and educators to boost their skills, to better support children who have experienced trauma and family violence and to identify children at risk of abuse.
21. Labor will continue to locate early childhood services in each region, integrated with other community services, such as Pre-school and Community Centres. This will be done through the continued support and development of Child and Family Centres (CFCs) in conjunction with local communities.
22. Labor will encourage all employers to provide early childhood education and facilities, including the State Service, either individually or in co-operation with other employers.
Achieving Great Outcomes
1. Labor understands that Tasmania’s education system must cater for all learners, whether they need support or extension.
2. Labor values excellence in educational outcomes and is striving to improve outcomes for all students.
3. Labor will provide students with opportunities to achieve excellence in any chosen field of endeavour.
4. Labor will provide an inclusive and balanced curriculum which supports academic excellence and practical achievement which are important to inspire and engage students; allow the development of opportunity and cohesive society.
5. Labor believes schools must provide the right conditions to enhance student intellect and reason, analysis and inquiry, understanding, integrity, character, resilience, independence, empathy, social interaction, spontaneity and imagination, aptitude and respect.
6. Labor will make sure all Tasmanian students and their families have access to a broad and robust curriculum that provides every child with the skills and knowledge they need to pursue opportunities, further training, study and careers of their choice.
7. Labor will always draw on the knowledge and experience of experts when making decisions about the Tasmanian Curriculum.
Linking School to Jobs
8. Labor understands students need to have access to a range of meaningful learning and training opportunities to prepare them for emerging career opportunities.
9. Labor will ensure that all students have access to the Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE), Tasmanian Certificate of Educational Achievement (TCEA), school-based apprenticeships and Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VET) programs and qualifications.
10. Labor will develop programs to ensure students have access to real-life educational activities that develop teamwork, personal responsibility, self-esteem and community skills.
11. Labor will provide access to high quality contemporary, careers and vocational education, advice and support and a pathways plan from school to employment, training or further education.
12. At the heart of Vocational Education and Training System is a comprehensive and wellfunded public TAFE system that gives Tasmanian’s the skills and qualifications both they and industry need.
13. Labor will ensure that vocational training in schools provides valuable skills and leads to real jobs after school, or further training that is meaningful and will put students on track to a career.
Student Health and Wellbeing
14. Labor understands the need to support students in their education by providing health and wellbeing programs.
15. Labor will provide secular student welfare and school support services.
16. Labor will address health issues that can impact on well-being, safety and education by providing medical access and care, with the provision of health professionals to support schools.
17. Labor will employ a range of mental health professionals including social workers, youth workers and psychologists.
18. Labor will assist students to develop healthy eating and exercise practices.
19. Labor will provide teaching resources and programs to develop healthy and respectful relationships, and ensure a safe respectful learning environment for LGBTI students.
Quality Teachers and Educators
20. Labor believes that teachers need to be supported by a system that values secure employment practices and maintains pay and working conditions at a professional level.
21. Labor recognises the need to continually raise the professional standing of Tasmanian teachers by investing in mentoring, peer-support and on-going professional training for all educators.
22. Labor will ensure that students have teachers who are able, dedicated, ethical and enjoy the professional autonomy needed to achieve high standards in both academic and practical domains.
23. Labor will improve the attraction, retention, aspiration and diversity of entrants to the profession.
24. Labor will provide the best educational leadership by promoting, supporting and retaining leaders of the highest integrity, intelligence and commitment to the principal class.
25. Labor will support schools to engage well qualified and expert support staff to assist in their administration and the health, well-being and education of students.
26. Labor supports specialisation in professional development for teachers including teaching students with disabilities or gifted students as part of their routine professional development.
27. Labor supports teachers to focus on delivery of high-quality teaching and learning via professional practice days and collaboration between schools.
Education Support Staff
28. Labor understands that educational support staff are a diverse workforce and they perform many crucial, valuable roles in schools across the state.
29. Labor will support secure jobs, career structure and qualifications for educational support staff.
Schools as Learning Communities
30. Labor believes that our schools are stronger, more inclusive and deliver better educational outcomes when they are a valued part of the community with participation from students, parents, teachers and support staff.
31. Labor understands students have better opportunities and learning outcomes when school communities collaborate, build relationships in the community and share resources across communities. 32. Labor will ensure ethical, transparent and accountable decision-making is at the core of the management of a school.
33. Labor will ensure every school preferences the enrolment of local students in accordance with enrolment policy.
34. Labor will foster collaborative practices between schools to reduce the academic and social divide between schools.
35. Labor will encourage schools to be open, welcoming community assets for all members of the community, with links to local government, community clubs, associations and groups.
36. Labor will ensure students who are home-schooled have the same standards of education, learning opportunities and personal support as students in government schools.
37. Labor will make sure schools are funded so Tasmanian students have appropriate class sizes, experienced teachers, an equitable share of the most highly skilled teachers in the state, sufficient curriculum support materials and appropriate educational support staff.
38. Labor will advocate for equitable school funding agreements focused on improving education opportunities and outcomes for all Tasmanian students.
39. Labor will provide the funding required to ensure the State Government meets its obligation to provide compulsory, free and secular education through a comprehensive provision of primary and secondary schools across the state.
40. Labor will ensure students with disabilities and additional needs are given every chance to fulfil their potential either in mainstream or specialist schools by continuing investment in inclusive programs, professional training and infrastructure.
41. Labor will ensure the efficient, effective and equitable use of taxpayer funds in all schools.
Governance and Community Participation
42. Labor believes that parent, teacher, student and local community participation in school governance is important for effective, representative School Association Committees and transparent processes.
43. Labor will make sure that School Association Committees are equipped to address the changing needs of their communities and support them to develop strategies that enable all to participate in the formation, implementation and review of school plans and priorities.
44. Labor will ensure schools operate as democratic workplaces, including supporting student voice. Labor will provide systemic support for government School Association Committees.
Parental Engagement
45. Labor understands the role of parents in their child’s education and the need for freeflowing dialogue between parents and teachers.
46. Labor will ensure that parents receive regular comprehensive feedback on their child’s progress.
47. Labor will provide opportunities for parents, guardians and carers to engage in dialogue about their child’s progress.
48. Labor will investigate the creation of engagement officers to assist schools to connect with families, guardians and carers.
49. Labor will promote the role of parents, guardians and carers as educators and assist them to work in partnership with schools to improve student learning.
50. Labor will engage parents, guardians and carers in student decision-making processes regarding career advice and pathway selection.
51. Labor will recognise the diversity of family structures.
52. Labor will ensure students with a disability and/or special needs receive appropriate support to fully participate in education and training so they can reach their full potential.
53. Labor will pay attention to the Arts as mediums of creating self-awareness and fostering talents in art, music and drama.
54. Labor will facilitate the increase of Languages Other Than English (LOTE) education in Tasmanian schools to ready students for the globalized world.
55. Labor recognises the importance of teaching a comprehensive sexual and personal health curriculum, which does so on an age appropriate and gender/sexuality basis.
56. Labor will seek to promote life-long learning through adult education, and new point and assess the needs of women with the purpose of removing barriers to their participation in Adult Education.